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Create Ecat Aggregate Calculator using Python and Tkinter

 In this article, you will learn how to create Ecat Aggregate Calculator using python and Tkinter. To design the application interface (GUI) we will use the grid layout. If you are not familiar with layouts, check out Geometry Manager in Tkinter.

Create Ecat Aggregate Calculator in Tkinter

Create Ecat Aggregate Calculator using Python and Tkinter

Tkinter is the most popular and powerful way to create GUI applications. In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to use Grid Layout Manager to create an Ecat Aggregate Calculator. You will also learn the implementation of Grid, Labels, Entry, and Button.

Following are the main key points to build this application.

Import Tkinter Library

To create a GUI application using Python programming language we will use the Tkinter library or module in our code. For this purpose, we have to import this library using the "import module_name" (import tkinter as tk) command.

Create or Define Container

Every GUI application consists of UI elements or widgets like (Frame, PhotoImage, Grid, Labels, Entry, and Button). To place these UI elements or widgets we need a container, and this container is called Window or Root Window. To create a Window we need the Geometry method, that defines the root window of the application.

Design UI Elements

After creating container, we will design our application interface. This will include Labels, PhotoImage, Entry and Button. And to layout them we will use Grid layout manager.

Widget Description
Label To display text in our application we will use label widget.
Entry Entry element or widget will create an input field, in which user will enter some value.
PhotoImage To display images or photos.
Button This will create a button, on button click we call a method which calculate Ecat Aggregate.

Features of the Ecat Aggregate Calculator
  • If you click on "Check Aggregate" button without filling form values, app will give warning message.
  • If you have no values in some of the input fields, app will give warning message.
  • If you enter string values instead of integer, app will give warning message.
  • On clicking of "Clear" button, app will reset all the input fields.

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