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Making Perfect SEO Friendly URL in Django Using Slug

 In this article, you will learn how to make a perfect human-readable URL like (, instead of putting id ( in Django. To do this we are going to use Django built-in FieldType (SlugField) in our custom model.

Making Perfect SEO Friendly URL in Django Using Slug

What is Slug in Django

In Django slug is a short scripted label for some text, title, or string. A slugify string or text contains only letters, numbers, hyphens, or underscores. For example, we have a title field in a model, and the text of this title has "Learn Openerp", then in terms of a slug this title field will convert into "learn-openerp".

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Why do we use a slug in Django

In Django to create a perfect and human-readable URL, we can use the slug. Django provides a "SlugField" type field to store slug values. By using this field we can generate or store a valid dynamic URL for our web pages.

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What if we can not use slug

For example, if we have a title like this (Learn Openerp). Then in URL this title will be automatically replaced by Learn%20Openerp, this is not a good practice. As we know that we can not add a space in the URL, so to overcome this issue we will use the slug to make a human-readable URL.

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Example of URL Before applying slug

Example of URL Before applying slug

Step by step guide to making a perfect URL instead of id

Below is the step-by-step guide to making a perfect URL using the slug in Django. 

The above code to make a URL with hyphens has the following features.

  • Create a unique slug
  • Convert the title automatically into slug using signals
  • Whenever a change in title field slug field will automatically update its value
  • If the slug field is empty, then just save the value again using the admin panel to apply changes in the slug field
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Create a field named "slug" with field type "SlugField"

Create a python field named "utils" in your Django app

In the app, in urls file modify your path (url) like below.

path('test/<slug:slug>/', views.your_view_goes_here, name='your path name goes here'),
After that, just run the below command in the terminal to change your database.

python makemigrations
python migrate

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