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Show one2many field records as radio button in odoo wizard

I am go to clear you how to convert one2many field records into radio button. For example you have a one2many field in some model and you want to show the records of one2many field as a radio button in some wizard. But we can not add radio button widget (widget="radio") in one2many field.

Show one2many field records as radio button in odoo wizard

Show one2many field records as radio button in odoo wizard

We have some framework restriction here, the first is we can only add radio button widget (widget="radio") on selection field and the second one is we can not make a one2many relation directly in odoo wizard, so to get one2many field in wizard we will create a selection field and on button click or some event populate one2many records into selection field using context and display records as radio button by using radio button widget (widget="radio").

Python code - Model

XML Code - View

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