records on list view or tree view that relates to active/login user on the click of menu. For example for admin user I want to show all records, but for employee I want to show selective records that are related to that employee.
Server Action in Odoo (ir.actions.server)
To use server action on the click of menu follow below steps.1- Create server action and call that action from your menu.
2- After that create a method or function under your model, and from that model after using your logic return action window.
Don,t forgot to share, keep sharing keep learning
ValueError: : "name 'self' is not defined" while evaluating
ReplyDelete"action=self.get_filtered_record(cr, uid, context.get('active_ids', []), context=context)"
on odoo12 complains that it cannot find 'self'
ideas what may be wrong?
should be model instead of self, I guess, see: