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Organization, Department and Employee hierarchy tree view | Odoo

In this article you will learn how to show employee hierarchy like tree data structure for manager and employee. By showing this you can define the role of individual employee within the organization. You can also manage the relationship between employees.

Organization and Employee hierarchy tree view | Odoo

Tree Data Structure for Manager Employee Hierarchy

  1. Below are the steps to create hierarchical structure for organization and employee.
  2. Create hierarchical tree view
  3. Create window action (ir.actions.act_window) or server action (ir.actions.server)
  4. Create Menu that will call window or server action

In this article I am going to show you both of two methods (using window and server action). You can use one of them. The purpose of using server action is to get filtered records.

Hierarchical Tree view, Window & Server Action

Server Action Code

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